
The Olla Council, made up of the founding team, advisors, and well-known community members, will be in charge of Olla's governance throughout its early phases. The council will boost community participation after the DEX's basic functionalities are implemented, starting most prominently with the option to vote on emission reward weights for preferred liquidity pools. The staked OLLA forms, each have a different weight when it comes to voting power for governance. Voting will frequently take place (if necessary) to choose which pools should receive the highest tier of emissions.

A more inclusive governance model may be implemented as the protocol develops. A few governance voting structures are being developed for the OLLX community, and as the development of the Olla core features advances, the council will have a clear route to more decentralisation available on the market to follow. As a result, the community will be able to vote on increasingly complex proposals, and eventually, token holders who have staked their tokens will have a role in important governance decisions.

Similar to the other blockchain, consensus nodes started out internally, spread to members of the governing council, and will eventually include public nodes. Olla will adopt a deliberate, tiered approach to governance in order to guarantee the platform's survival.

Last updated